Quarterly HPC and AI SIG meeting

Hayden Barnes (HPC and AI SIG)

This meeting is held quarterly. 

To discuss the agenda ahead of the meeting, join the ~sighpc--ai channel on chat.almalinux.org, and find more information about the SIG itself on its wiki page: https://wiki.almalinux.org/sigs/HPCandAI 

To add all HPC and AI SIG meetings to your calendar, use this URL in your calendaring software: https://events.almalinux.org/event/79/event.ics

Meeting link: https://meet.almalinux.org/hpc-ai-sig

HPC and AI SIG Mailing List
    • 3:00 PM 3:59 PM
      Kickoff HPC and AI SIG meeting 59m

      We work together on HPC- and AI-related stuff for AlmaLinux.

      See more about what the HPC and AI SIG does here: https://wiki.almalinux.org/sigs/HPCandAI.html